Chocolate, peanut butter & pumpkin protein mousse


I’ve been meaning to post this recipe up all week, but like I’ve mentioned in some of my instagram posts, this week for me has just been absolutely jam packed and I literally haven’t had five minutes to myself to really knuckle down and get some blog work done! This is only going to be a temporary thing however and I will be back blogging in full force as of tomorrow, so don’t worry! I like to try and get a recipe/blog post out for you guys every other day and usually, I’m really organised with this and pre-write and schedule everything, but sometimes life just gets ahead of you! So, you may have noticed that I’ve recently developed somewhat of an obsession with pumpkin over these past few weeks and when creating this recipe, I discovered that not only does it work amazingly in savoury dishes and also baking, but pumpkin puree makes a pretty awesome base for a chocolate mousse! It helps to create quite a nice light and fluffy texture, whilst being really creamy and also means that you’re getting some veg into your dessert.. I think that’s pretty much  win all round, don’t you? 


I’ve been really getting into using my new Vivo Life protein powder recently and seem to want to include in recipes in every possible opportunity that comes around, so naturally i’ve included some of that in here for an extra little boost of protein and also added chocolate flavour and sweetness, without having to add in lots of additional sweeteners. For the chocolate part of the mousse, of course I’ve used one of my favourite superfood ingredients: raw cacao powder. Raw cacao is 100% one of my most used store cupboard essentials when it comes to making healthier sweet treats and it’s just such a staple in my kitchen! It’s such a versatile product, is incredibly easy to use, tastes incredible and also has a whole host of nutritional benefits to it as well! Raw cacao is basically the un-roasted form of cocoa and so is packed full of antioxidants that can sometimes be destroyed when heated to high temperatures. It’s great to add into smoothies, porridge, energy bites and my current obsession.. almond milk hot chocolate! I’ll have to post my go-to hot chocolate recipe on here soon; but to be honest, it’s so simple I’m not sure that it would even qualify as a recipe at all! 

Hmm, what else can I tell you about this recipe? Well, there’s of course peanut butter in there too (which you probably guessed from the name!) As you know, I’m obsessed with pretty much each and every nut butter ever created and adding peanut butter to anything- especially chocolate just makes it even more incredible in my eyes! It also adds in some extra healthy fats, as well as a little more plant based protein as well. Nut butters also have a really wonderful creamy texture, which helps to make the mousse so smooth and that little bit more delicious! 



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