Chocolate Protein Mini Waffles

When I first bought my beloved waffle maker, I think it’s safe to say that waffles become some what of an obsession in my household. My house mate and I have certainly got good use out of it. In case you were wondering, waffle makers are actually fairly inexpensive and you can get them from lots of online stores including amazon. Since moving house, waffles took a bit of a back seat, but I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know, that they have now made a pretty epic return! I feel like I practically have waffles popping out of my ears, I’ve made so many. I’ve also recently started experimenting with savoury breakfast waffles too; the recipe for which will be making an appearance pretty soon as well!

My waffle maker makes one large, round waffle that divides into four quarter circle pieces. I also discovered, that If I only pour the mixture in the centre of the waffle iron, I can make miniature sized waffles.. a little bit like the ones that you can buy in the shops. These are really cute to stack up ready for that pretty Instagram shot- you know the priorities of a food blogger haha! 

When it comes to waffle making, things don’t have to be really complicated or scientific, like I first anticipated. Really, the batter isn’t too different from when making pancakes. I nearly always add protein into my waffles or pancakes to add a nice hint of sweet flavour and also boost the general protein content of the dish. You can then top them with all sorts of delicious things like: chocolate, berries, nut butter, yoghurt and whatever else you fancy! Like I always say, toppings are one of the best bits on most dishes! I literally add fresh berries to just about everything- they’re my absolute favourite fruits in the whole world and packed with incredible vitamins and nutrients! Technically, you could also call these waffles double chocolate waffles.. because I’ve added in some raw cacao powder as well, just to enhance that rich, decant amazingness that is chocolate. Funnily enough, as a child I would alway opt for fruit based sweets over chocolate.. but now I think I can definitely say that I am a firm chocolate fan. Dark chocolate is my absolute fave and raw cacao especially! 


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